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Par Bostonas Latviešu Skolu
Bostonas latviešu skola ir neatkarīga skola, kura īrē telpas no Bostonas Trimdas draudzes. Pie mums mācās bērni no Sagatavošanas klases (4 gadu vecuma) līdz 8. klasei. Visas mācību stundas notiek latviešu valodā. Skolnieki mācās sekojošus priekšmetus: latviešu valodu, lasīšanu, ģeogrāfiju, vēsturi, dziedāšanu, tautas dejas, folkloru, ticības mācību, un rokdarbus. Ziemā cepam piparkūkas un pavasarī krāsojam Lieldienu olas ar sīpolu mizām. Cik vien iespējams, mēģinam iesaistīt latviešu tautas tradīcijas mūsu skolas dzīvē, un svinam sekojošos svētkus: Mārtiņus, Valstssvētkus, Ziemassvētkus, Draudzīgo aicinājumu, Lieldienas, Folkloras svētkus, un izlaidumu. Ik pa diviem gadiem rīkojam talantu-pilnu labdaribas vakaru kabarē stilā. Kā skolas saime, cenšamies veicināt draudzību ārpus mācību stundām. Mums ir burvīgs bērnu pulciņš, kam patīk kopā braukt ar ragaviņām un slidot ziemas laikā; apmeklēt cirku, baletu, vai beisbola spēles; un kāpt netālajos Zilajos kalnos. Bērni arī kalpo latviešu sabiedrībai, strādājot gadskārtējā baznīcas dārza apkopšanas talkā. Vienmēr meklējam jaunas ģimenes, kā arī palīgus un padomdevējus no ilglaicīgajām Bostonas ģimenēm. Nāciet mūs apciemot! BLS dati Dibināta: 1951. gadā Skolas direktrise: Agnese Linarte ([email protected]) Skolas gads: no sept.-maij. izņemot svētku nogales un ASV skolu brīvdienas Skolas maksa: USD $540 par pirmo bērnu, $440 par otro, $242 par trešo, $22 par ceturto |
About BLS
Boston Latvian School is an independent Saturday school that rents classroom space from the Boston Latvian Lutheran Church. We serve Latvian-American students from Pre-K (age 4) to Grade 8. All of our classes are taught in Latvian. Students study the following subjects: language and grammar, reading, geography, history, folk singing, folk dancing, folklore, religion, and handicrafts. We celebrate seasonal holidays in traditional ways: in the wintertime we bake Latvian gingerbread cookies, and at Easter we decorate eggs with onion skins, petals, and grasses. We try to incorporate Latvian holidays as often as possible, and celebrate 6-7 seasonal and school-related holidays each year. We also host a biennial fundraising concert and balle. BLS encourages our students’ friendships to blossom outside of class as well as during school hours. Our student body loves to go sledding and skating in the winter; see the circus, ballet, or Pawsox baseball game; and climb the nearby Blue Hills. Students also enjoy performing community service by helping in the church’s gardening events. We always welcome new families, as well as teachers, helpers, and volunteers from the Boston community. Come visit! BLS Facts Founded: 1951 Principal: Agnese Linarte ([email protected]) School Year: Sept.- May, excluding holiday weekends and American school vacations Tuition: $550 for the first child; $440 for the second; $242 for the third; $22 for the fourth |
Skolas kalendārs | School Calendar
Noklikšķiniet pasākuma nosaukumu, lai redzētu papildinformāciju. | Click on the event name for more details (in Latvian).
Boston Latvian Sunday School, Inc. (“BLS”) welcomes and admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, as applicable, or other school-administered programs.
BLS will provide students, employees, applicants for employment, and third parties associated with BLS with equal rights, privileges and opportunities in all aspects of its administration, conduct of business and organization of community. BLS prohibits any member of its community from discriminating against any student, employee, applicant for employment, and third parties associated with BLS on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. BLS is committed to continuous efforts to communicate this policy to members of its community and to ensure compliance with this policy.
BLS will provide students, employees, applicants for employment, and third parties associated with BLS with equal rights, privileges and opportunities in all aspects of its administration, conduct of business and organization of community. BLS prohibits any member of its community from discriminating against any student, employee, applicant for employment, and third parties associated with BLS on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. BLS is committed to continuous efforts to communicate this policy to members of its community and to ensure compliance with this policy.